Your bedroom operates as a magnet both literally and figuratively for your affairs. It is also where you have a lie-down during the night replenishing your energy levels for the challenges of the next day. It is probably where your passionate life is centered - unless you like to try out - maybe you're a maverick who likes to commune with the outdoors. Your bedroom is your heavenly haven and your homes sanctuary.
The design and layout within it plays a substantial role not only on your passion and romance chances but also your health, wealth and other relationships in general. Conscientious vigilance should definitely be paid on this very important room. When you get it right, positive energy (called "chi" by the Chinese and "ki" by the Japenese) will flow easily through your home.
All things in life are connected at the minute quantum level and the following details will help direct you so you and your dealings will thrive:
- Ensure that your bedroom "feels" welcoming. It must accomplish the role of a safe retreat for you. What goes your bedroom say about you and your personality? Does it say "I'm at home with myself" or is it a big mess and frenzy? Is it just functional - it's purpose is only for resting in your eyes? If so, then it has got to change together with your lovelife.
- Maintain only those items – furnitures/trinkets/gadgets/equipments/accessories – which have fond/loving/good memories. Are there any old flames "hanging around" - again, chuck them out - you do want to move on to a new relationship - don't you? Items holding bad memories also hold residual energy that remind your non-conscious mind.
- Keep your bed as the focal point of the room - where both "action" and "inaction" takes place, where you are both animated and renewed. Does your bedroom have a "personality problem"? Is it in effect multitasking? Do you have a home office or perhaps a treadmill beside you? Again, these items should not be here. You want to focus on your relationships rather than your body or mind in this room - move them out. If this is not possible due to space constraints, you will need to use a screen to keep them "at bay".
- That ubiquitous TV set. Y
es it can be cozy to curl up in bed and watch a great movie but a TV sends out a stream of positive ions (rather than positive chi) - this device is "yang" in nature and will ensure your body does not get the rest it requires. It also represents a 3rd party in the room - not particularly conducive to a stable and healthy monogomous relationship... Once again - the TV has got to go.
- Make sure your bed is as far away from the door. If you cannot see the door, you will feel anxious at a subconscious level - this is because you can’t figure out any intruder (heaven forbids!). This uneasiness will affect how you rest at night.
- Select a bed which has a solid and sturdy headboard. In Form School Feng Shui, the headboard represents a supportive mountain to your back.
- Your bed cleaves to some residual energy from those who have come and gone before. Ideally, if you have had a partner and wish to attract a new one, you should buy a new bed. This offers you and your new relationship an best possible chance to grow. In any case, you should invest in the finest bed you can as if you sleep 8 hours per day, this means you will spend 1/3 of your entire life in it!
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